Cracking Wide Open

As growers we not only follow organic practices from the moment we put the seed in the ground, we also are concerned with the origins of our seeds. As such buy organic seed when possible, and we often choose heirloom varieties, not only because they're more interesting, but because we want to protect genetic diversity. Not only does it help protect against pests, but the more diversity there is the less likely it is that we'll face another catastrophe such as the great potato famine. So what does this have to do with the fact that some of the tomatoes in your share may have some cracks in them?Unlike hybrid varieties that have often been chosen for their thick skins and ability to be shipped long distances, heirlooms often have thin skins and don't transport well. Tomatoes in general tend to crack when they receive irregular water. So the lack of rain, followed by the last few days with rain means that our tomatoes are cracking wide open (not really wide open, just small cracks really). These cracks tend to heal, but leave a noticeable scar. Heirlooms are especially susceptible to cracking, as they are very thinned skinned. Rest assured these tomatoes are not only edible, but still incredibly delicious.


Spicy Bok Choi in Garlic Sauce


Week 6: August 18