Week 5: August 11

Summer fruits are fully upon us: zucchini, summer squash, tomatoes, eggplant and much more.  Expect to see many of these summer crops in every box until the frosts in mid-October.The slicing tomatoes this week are a special treat.  Most are different heirloom varieties, don't be turned off by the unusual shapes and colors, if you've only been eating bright red globes you're in a for a real treat.  As we were discussing tonight, the ugliest tomatoes generally tend to be the tastiest and a really good tomato usually has curves.If you're feeling overwhelmed or confused by any veggies we highly recommend a new Huffington Post feature named "WTF, CSA?"  Some recent posts on eggplants and basil might be especially helpful to you was the season continues.  Enjoy these fine foods in this week's box:  


Week 6: August 18


You're not the only one who loves our vegetables