Week 11: September 22
Well cooler weather is upon us just in time for the Autumn Equinox on Saturday. For us farmers that means we're racing against the shorting days to get the rest of our cool crops in the ground before the days are too short. At the same time we're continuing to harvest our hot crops, as you can tell by the contents of this week's box. Bok Choi (Vinewood Knool)
String Beans or Snap Beans (Singing Tree, Buffalo St.)
Tomatoes(Farnsworth, Buffalo St, Singing Tree, Fields of Plenty, Vinewood Knoll)
Sweet Peppers (Fields of Plenty, Buffalo St, Singing Tree, VinewoodKnoll)
Hot Peppers (Singing Tree, Fields of Plenty)
Basil (Buffalo St, Farnsworth)Mint (Singing Tree)
Flowers (Singing Tree, Farnsworth, Buffalo St, Fields of Plenty)