Week 9: September 8
September is officially here and that means we're busy planting our fall crops before it's too late, in addition to trying to stay on to of harvesting and keeping the weeds to a manageable level. Summer crops are still producing heavily as is evidenced by this weeks share. Beets (Farnsworth, Buffalo St, Fields of Plenty, Singing Tree)
Kale (Buffalo St, Vinewood Knoll)
Beans (Buffalo St)
Roma Tomatoes (Singing Tree)
Slicing Tomatoes (Farnsworth, Singing Tree, Buffalo St, Vinewood Knoll)
Bok Choi (Vinewood Knoll)
Hot Peppers - a mix of cayenne Wenk's Yellow Hots, and Hungarian Hot Wax(Vinewood Knoll, Singing Tree, Fields of Plenty)
Eggplant (Fields of Plenty, Vinewood Knoll, Singing Tree, Farnsworth)
Flowers (Buffalo St, Farnsworth, Singing Tree)