Week 15: October 20
It was a rainy harvest and packing night, but these cooler nights just serve as a reminder that the last few sunny, warm days are fleeting. Both Farnsworth and Buffalo St. put up quickhoops (metal hoops covered with row cover and plastic) today, to protect their crops from the cooler nights and extend their production further into the winter. And with these cooler days expect to see more greens and root crops in your shares over the next few weeks.This week's share includes: City Commons Salad Mix (Farnsworth, Fields of Plenty, Buffalo St,Singing Tree)
Sweet Peppers (Fields of Plenty, Vinewood Knoll, Singing Tree)
Hot Peppers (Singing Tree, Fields of Plenty)
Bok Choi (Vinewood Knoll, Fields of Plenty)
Garlic (Vinewood Knoll)
Cilantro (Singing Tree)
Green Tomatoes (Farnsworth, Buffalo St)
Radishes (Vinewood Knoll)