Week 11 2013
Bountiful summer! We're loving this warm weather, and so should you. Even if you're not a heat and humidity weather all sorts of good things are coming your way because of it, eggplant, peaches, big fat slicing tomatoes, and more! With this week's contents you can also make my absolute FAVORITE dish: Ratatouille! Check out my post from last year about it: http://www.citycommonscsa.com/2012/08/ratatouille/ Here's what is in your box:
Swiss Chard (Vinewood Knoll and Farnsworth)
Sweet Peppers (Vinewood Knoll, Singing Tree, and Buffalo Street)
Leeks (Vinewood Knoll)
Apples (Farnsworth and Singing Tree)
Eggplant (Farnsworth, Vinewood Knoll, and Buffalo Street)
Peaches (Farnsworth)
Heirloom tomatoes (Singing Tree and Buffalo Street)
Basil (Singing Tree and Farnsworth)