Week 16, 2013

Us farmers are excited that fall crops are finally coming in! We've all felt the weather changing and so have the plants. While the cold-weather crops are thriving, the hot-weather loving crops are on their way out. The great thing about harvest season is that for a short period, not only are summer crops (like peppers and tomatoes) showing a great last push of produce, but the crops we planted for fall (like beets and carrots)  are starting to come in as well. This week tatsoi, a flavorful asian specialty green, makes its 2013 debut in the boxes!We're excited to celebrate this harvest abundance with our current and prospective  members tomorrow, Sunday, Sept. 29, (check your e-mail inbox for details)!Here's what's in this week's box: Tatsoi from Vinewood Knoll. Tatsoi is great in a stir fry or simply sauteed in a bit of seasame oil with a dash of soy sauce:tatsoipic  Potatoes from Buffalo St. and FarnsworthIMG_4983    Tomatoes from Singing Tree and Farnsworth and Vinewood Knolltomatoes    Peppers from Farnsworth, Buffalo St., and Vinewood KnollIMG_4985  Hukurei Turnips From Buffalo St.turnips  Carrots from Buffalo St. (Saturday boxes only)carrots  Kale from Farnsworth, Singing Tree, and Vinewood Knollkale!    Thyme from Singing Tree:thyme


2013 Week 17


City Commons Harvest Potluck Tomorrow, Sept. 29!!