Week 16, 2013
Us farmers are excited that fall crops are finally coming in! We've all felt the weather changing and so have the plants. While the cold-weather crops are thriving, the hot-weather loving crops are on their way out. The great thing about harvest season is that for a short period, not only are summer crops (like peppers and tomatoes) showing a great last push of produce, but the crops we planted for fall (like beets and carrots) are starting to come in as well. This week tatsoi, a flavorful asian specialty green, makes its 2013 debut in the boxes!We're excited to celebrate this harvest abundance with our current and prospective members tomorrow, Sunday, Sept. 29, (check your e-mail inbox for details)!Here's what's in this week's box: Tatsoi from Vinewood Knoll. Tatsoi is great in a stir fry or simply sauteed in a bit of seasame oil with a dash of soy sauce: Potatoes from Buffalo St. and Farnsworth
Tomatoes from Singing Tree and Farnsworth and Vinewood Knoll
Peppers from Farnsworth, Buffalo St., and Vinewood Knoll
Hukurei Turnips From Buffalo St.
Carrots from Buffalo St. (Saturday boxes only)
Kale from Farnsworth, Singing Tree, and Vinewood Knoll
Thyme from Singing Tree: