2014 Week 5
Guess what!? There's finally some fruit in the box this week. Fruit in the botanical sense, that is. Technically, green beans, cucumbers and zucchini are fruit, as they are the fleshy encasing for seeds ... OK, time to reel in the botany geek and get to biz.Here's what's in this week's box: (It's already week 5?!)Yellow OR green cucumbers from Food Field (they taste pretty much the same, just some are a yellow Indian variety Zucchini from Food Field
Frisee OR escarole from Buffalo Street and Singing Tree (great nutty, lightly bitter greens! Lemon juice helps reduce bitterness) (Tuesday Only)
Mizuna from Buffalo Street (Saturday only)
Green beans from Food Field and Singing Tree (Tuesday Only) Fava beans from Food Field (Saturday only)
Fava Beans or green beans (Saturday only)
Kohlrabi from Food Field and Fields of Plenty
Chives (Tues only) / Oregano, Sage, or Chives (Sat. only) from Fields of Plenty
Large pesto basil bunches from Buffalo Street a
Fresh Garlic from Buffalo Street