2014 Week 10
We are officially halfway through the CSA season! About ten weeks ago you picked up your first 2014 box. How are we doing? You feedback is invaluable, so please contact us with any suggestions or comments, concerns--we'd love to hear from you.Ways to contact us: phone 313-312-5295 ; e-mail: citycommonsCSA@gmail.com ; facebook.com/citycommonsCSA or comment on this blog! This week, again, we hope you like tomatoes. As a CSA member, you eat like the farmers do--that is, what's in season and lots of it. At this time of year just when I think I can't take another tomato, I think back to cold winter days when I would give anything for a fresh tomato or a spring of just-picked basil.This week's box:Cherry Tomatoes from Buffalo Street Slicing tomatoes from Food Field and Fields of Plenty (Estiva hybrid or slicing)
Carrots from Buffalo Street
Cucumbers from food field
Hot peppers from Singing Tree/ Food Field (Due to all the rain and cold nights they are not hot at all)
Green Beans from Food Field, Singing Tree and Buffalo Street
Basil from buffalo street
Leafy Greens from Buffalo Street, Singing Tree, Fields of Plenty and Food Field--Swiss Chard or kale or collards
Garlic from Food Field
Herbs From Singing Tree and Fields of Plenty: Chives OR Parsley OR Sage Or Oregano ---