2014 Week 12
Here we go, week 12! Hope everyone had a happy Labor Day. We've got some fall crops already starting to come in, a sign summer is on its way out (already!?). We have to appreciate the tomatoes and such summer crops while we can!The boxes have:Winter squash from Food Field
Arugula from Buffalo Street and Singing Tree
Hot Peppers from Singing Tree, Fields of Plenty and Food Field (Tuesday only) Kohlrabi from Buffalo Street (SAt. Only)
Cherry tomatoes from Buffalo St. and Singing Tree
Slicing tomatoes from Food Field and Fields of Plenty
Green beans from Singing Tree and Food Field
Onions from Food Field
Broccoli rabe from Singing Tree (all parts of bunch are edible, leaves, flowers and all!)
HERBS: Basil or Mint or Sage or oregano --- luck of the draw!