2014 Week 16
One day it's 80 degrees, the next it's 60. This week the box contents reflect a sample of both hot and cool weather-- we have tomatoes and peppers, which are hot loving crops, and bulb fennel and radishes, which do just fine even in frosty weather. Speaking of frost, we're due for the first fall frost in about two weeks. Enjoy the tomatoes and peppers while they're still in season because we're at the tail end of the hot crops prime time. What else is in the box this week? Bulb fennel from Buffalo Street Farm Black beans from Food Field (Tuesday) Cranberry pinto beans (Saturday)
Radishes from Buffalo Street Farm
Salad mix from Buffalo Street Farm
Tomatoes from Food Field and Singing Tree Garden
Peppers from Food Field and Signing Tree Garden (it's a mix of many peppers. If you want to know the variety, e-mail is a pic and we'll tell you)!
Winter squash from Food Field (again, a mix. let us know if you want to know the specific variety that came in your box).
Swiss Chard from Fields of Plenty and Singing Tree
Herbs from Singing Tree and Fields of Plenty--