2014 Week 18

Another soggy Tuesday harvest but we've got veggies for you rain or shine! Here's what's in today's box:"Florida Broadleaf" cooking mustard greens from Buffalo Street Farmflorida-broadleaf-mustard Scallions from Buffalo Street Farm (Tuesday only) OR Radicchio (Sat. only)scallionsRadicchio Cherry tomatoes OR tomatillos from Food Field (Tuesday) Cayenne peppers from Food Field (Saturday)CAM01160tomatillosSalad mix or arugula from Food Field and Singing Tree and Buffalo Streetfrillymix  Potatoes from Food FieldIMG_4983 Leeks from Food FieldIMG_0987 Herbs from Singing Tree and Fields of Plenty  (Assorted, send us an e-mail with photo if you don't recognize the herb in your box)mixedherbs Eggplant OR Bulb Fennel from STG (Tues) OR Carrots (Sat)IMG_4982fennel_DSC0356_zps93ff82a5Swiss Chard from Buffalo Street and Fields of PlentyChard


2014 Week 19


Wash for Slugs in Lettuce