Week 13, 2015
A big rain storm and then some heat, can't write a better recipe for plant growth than that. Hope many of you had some time off to eat up all those tomatoes this past holiday weekend. As I said last week, even if people like to talk about Labor Day being the end of summer- especially when it comes to summer eating that is not true! In Detroit our average first frost date is October 13- so expect to be eating summer veggies for many weeks to come. Here's what you'll be eating this week:
Collards from Food Field and Fields of Plenty or Chard from Buffalo Street
Kale from Vinewood Knoll
Peppers from Food Field and Fields of Plenty (Tuesday only)
Tomatoes from Food Field and Buffalo Street
Arugula from Food Field (Tuesday only)
Garlic from Food Field
Beans from Food Field and Fields of Plenty (Saturday only)
Eggplant or Cucumbers from Vinewood Knoll and Fields of Plenty (Saturday Only)
Cabbage from Food Field (Tuesday only)
Apples from Singing Tree or Watermelon from Food Field
Chives from Fields of Plenty (Tuesday Only)
Thyme from Fields of Plenty or Mixed Herbs from Singing Tree (Friday Only)