Season Opener: A Success!
Hello and welcome to City Commons CSA. Today is the beginning of the new season and we are starting off with a BANG! There are loads of fresh greens in this week's box which is impressive given the lack of rain we have had. We hope you enjoy cooking and creating with this week's harvest.Clicking any of the links below will bring up plenty of recipes to help you use your bounty.Here's what's in the box:Lettuce Mix from Food Field and Dolce DiamanteCilantro from Dolce Diamante and Singing Tree Garden
Strawberries from Food Field
Head lettuce from Iroquois St.
Rainbow Chard from Fields of Plenty and Iroquois St.
Kale from Occupy Yourself and Food Field
Garlic Scapes from Food Field and Fields of Plenty
Kohlrabi from Occupy Yourself
Most of these vegetables are old hat for vegetable amateurs but kohlrabi is a vegetable that we always get questions about. The best way to get to know it is to experiment with it. But for those of you who are a little more tentative, I like to describe it as like a broccoli stem. Kohlrabi has a tough exterior but peeling it will give way to a crispy, juicy, sweet inside that is good just about any way you like. Sauté it, steam it, use it raw or in a casserole. A delicious addition to your vegetable repertoire. Oh yeah, you can eat the greens too.