Second to Last Week

Its week 19, the second to last week in the 2016 CSA season.  If you have a half-share and were assigned to pick up on odd weeks today is your last week.  It seems strange that the season is coming to a close and its still almost 80 degrees outside, but such is a warming world.  Maybe soon, we will be able to grow all year long...Today's box is super spectacular.celeriacCeleriac from Fields of PlentycollardsCollards from Fields of PlentyturnipsHakuri Turnips from Iroquois AveeggplantEggplant from Iroquois Ave and Fields of PlentysweetpotatoSweet Potatoes from Food FieldtomatoesTomatoes from Iroquois Ave and Food FieldcilantroCilantro from Dulce DiamantetarragonTarragon from Occupy YourselfScallionsScallions from Iroquois Ave and Occupy YourselfPhoto on 7-12-16 at 4.24 PMBraising Mix from Occupy YourselfCeleraic is a vegetable that is a little bit weird and maybe intimidating for the first time cooking with it.  It is to be peeled first and the inside is soft and delicate.  You can use the peelings in soup stock, you can use the tops for the same thing or use as you would regular celery.  I really like celeriac in in soup and stir fry.  It is also good roasted with other veggies, tossed in olive oil and salt and pepper in the oven on high heat so it gets brown and crispy.  You can grate it with your hakuri turnips, mix with mayo and mustard, tarragon, good vinegar (sweet wine would be good), salt and pepper and mix--remoulade!  It is delicious.Try a turkey and sweet potato shepherd's pieEat your veggies and enjoy! 


Eggplant Gratin with Greens and Tomatoes


Chickpea Salad with Coriander and Cumin