Kohlrabi can be intimidating looking if you've never encountered it before, but it's actually a very mellow tasting veggie with a cool, crisp flavor that is perfect for these hot days. If you're looking to experiment it is most similar in taste and texture to a broccoli stem.The other night I made a quick and easy slaw with shredded kohlrabi and shredded carrot and a basic dressing with about a half cup of mayonnaise, a couple tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and some honey. I then added some salt, pepper, and celery seed to season. If I'd had more ingredients and time I might have added some nuts, cabbage, and/or apple to the mix. My boyfriend likes spicier food in general and added some hot pepper flakes to his serving.
For more information and recipes check out this post on kohlrabi from a couple years ago.