Week 13: October 6
Happy October everyone! It seems like fall is finally upon us. We all fully expect our first frost in the next week (October 9th is the anticipated first frost for our area), and are preparing to strip our tomato, eggplant, and pepper plants before the temperature dips below freezing to save those crops. The good news is that we got through this week without a frost so there are plenty of delicious vine-ripened tomatoes in your share this week! Beans (Buffalo St, Singing Tree)
Heirloom Tomatoes (Singing Tree, Buffalo St, Fields of Plenty, Farnsworth,Vinewood Knoll)
Salad Mix-Lettuce, Arugula, Mizuna, Radish Greens, Nasturtiums(Fields of Plenty, Singing Tree ,Buffalo St, Vinewood Knoll)
Peppers (Singing Tree, Buffalo St, Farnsworth, Fields of Plenty, Vinewood Knoll)
Hot Peppers (Fields of Plenty, Vinewood Knoll, Singing Tree,Farnsworth)
Cilantro (Singing Tree)
Flowers (Fields of Plenty, Buffalo St, Farnsworth, Singing Tree)