Week 14: October 13
Big events this week: the Buffalo Street chickens laid their first two eggs, butternut squashes harvested by the armful and all the potatoes harvested from Farnsworth. Those potatoes and squash will sit in storage for a couple weeks, but in the meantime we're still enjoying the perpetual tomato machine since we know it will be another 7 months at least before they reappear. A light frost hit some of the farms this past week; taking out squash plants at Buffalo St, pepper plants at Fields of Plenty and some tomatoes at Farnsworth. The frost has made us temporarily very busy, hurriedly harvesting all the fruit that is still good off of those plants and storing what we can for even darker, colder days. We're finishing up the boxes in the dark more often than not these days.
Chard (Buffalo St, Vinewood Knoll, Fields of Plenty)
Heirloom Tomatoes (Singing Tree, Buffalo St, Fields of Plenty, Farnsworth, Vinewood Knoll)
Salad Mix-Lettuce, mustard greens, Arugula, Snow Peas, Radish Greens, Nasturtiums
(Fields of Plenty, Singing Tree , Farnsworth, Vinewood Knoll)
Peppers (Singing Tree, Buffalo St, Farnsworth, Fields of Plenty, Vinewood Knoll)
Hot Peppers (Farnsworth, Vinewood Knoll)
Parsley (Singing Tree, Farnsworth, Buffalo St)
Flowers (Fields of Plenty, Buffalo St, Farnsworth, Singing Tree)