Week 15 2015
Well fall weather is definitely upon us. While the cooler temperatures have definitely slowed down our hot weather crops we hope to still provide a number of them for a few weeks to come. These cooler, sunny days have made for great working weather though. As the days grow shorter our thoughts turn towards putting our farms to rest for the winter, which means soon we'll start pulling out crops and either covering the beds with leaves and other organic material, or planting fall and winter cover crops so our land stays fertile for years to come.This week's share includes:
Collards or Kale-Fields of Plenty, Food Field, Buffalo St, Vinewood Knoll
Radishes - Buffalo St and Vinewood Knoll
Tomatoes - Food Field
Cherry Tomatoes - Food Field
Apples - Singing Tree
Celeriac - Fields of Plenty
Salad Mix (Tuesday Only) - Food Field
Beet Greens (Friday Only) - Buffalo St
Basil (Tuesday Only) - Food Field and Fields of Plenty
Thyme, Majoram, Chives, or Oregano - Fields of Plenty (Friday Only)