Week 16, 2015
We're winding our way towards fall and you can see it in some of the produce. Green tomatoes as we start to give up on some of them turning red, potatoes that you can store in a dry, cool place for several months, and more. As long as we've still got them we are happy to be able to put in summer crops like tomatoes and beans.We're also planning for our 2016 season, so this is a great time for any feedback for us. Lay it on us, good or bad it really helps us to figure out what to change and what to keep the same.
Beans from Food Field
Tomatoes from Food Field and Buffalo Street
Green tomatoes from Food Field
Potatoes from Buffalo Street
Beet greens from Buffalo Street
Radishes from Buffalo Street and Vinewood Knoll
Apples from Singing Tree
Chives from Fields of Plenty