Week 8, 2020
This week's share
- Beets
- Cherry tomatoes
- Cooking greens
- Eggplant or Summer Squash
- Green Tomatoes
- Honey
- Jalapeños
- Tarragon
Click the links above for some fun recipesThe main news from the farms is the LOVELY rain we got over the weekend. It was perfectly timed for a lot of the fall crops we've been planting. While folks usually think of spring as planting time, there's another big burst of planting in late summer to get rounds of cabbage, lettuce, root crops, and other goodies for our September and October shares.Another thing on our mind is how EXCITED we are about another cooperative in town and how close it is coming to being reality! We are speaking of the Detroit People's Food Co-opIf you are a lover of local food, hopefully you alread know about this. But if not, Detroit Black Community Food Security Network and other organizations have been in the process for several years of building a Detroit Food Commons in central Detroit (future cross streets will be Woodward and Euclid). This building will have many tenants, but one of them will be the Detroit People's Food Co-op. Food Co-ops are grocery stores that are owned and controlled by the people that shop there, that could be you! Because of this rather than being driven primarily by generating a profit for the owner they are equally interested in providing healthy, high quality, and culturally appropriate food for shoppers- not to mention a good working environment for employees and a healthier local economy.Right now there are 912 members of the DFPC and their goal to be able to open is 1000- so if all the members of City Commons CSA went out and joined DFPC today, that goal would be reached and we could have this great grocery store really soon! Membership is only $200 (can be paid in installments) and then you are a member for LIFE.